
FP payments APIs enable you to collect payments from your investors for their MF purchases. FP internally integrates with BSE, Billdesk, and Razorpay, providing simple-to-use APIs for your payment collection needs.

Currently, we support payment collection via the following modes:

Payment gateway Netbanking UPI eNACH Mandates UPI Autopay
Razorpay Supported Supported Supported Supported
BSE Supported Supported Supported(SIPs only) Not Supported
BillDesk Supported Supported Supported Not Supported

FP payment APIs support one-time payments via Netbanking, UPI, eNACH and UPI Autopay mandates, as well as recurring payments via eNACH and UPI Autopay mandates.

The FP payment API provides the following capabilities:

  1. Setup eNACH and UPI Autopay mandates
  2. Payments via Netbanking/UPI
  3. Payments via eNACH and UPI Autopay Mandate

Note: If you choose to collect payments on your own, you can use the Settlement and provide the UTRN (Unique Transaction Reference Number) for the payments collected.

To sign up with the respective payment gateways, please refer to the following:

  1. Going Live with Razorpay
  2. Going Live with Billdesk

For any further assistance or queries, please feel free to reach out to us at